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our instant cpm rates for 10.000 views*cpm rates are updated periodically.

Country name Full Ads Medium Ads Low Ads
GB | US | DE | CA | AU | ATTIER 1 United Kingdom | United States | Germany | Canada | Australia | Austria $50.00 $25.00 $12.00
NL | CH | FR | SE | NO | GRTIER 2 Netherlands | Switzerland | France | Sweden | Norway | Greece $36.00 $18.00 $10.00
AE | ZA | SA | BE | PG | FD | DK | IE | ES | IT | JPTIER 3 Belgium | Portugal | Finland | Denmark | Ireland | Spain | Italy | Japan | U.A.E | South Africa $25.00 $13.00 $7.00
RU | PH | SG | UA | RO | BR | CY | PL | PE | EG | PETIER 4 Russian Federation | Philippines | Singapore | Ukraine | Romania | Brazil | Cyprus | Poland | Peru $20.00 $10.00 $5.00
HU | MX | CO | AZ | ID | MA | PK | TRTIER 5 Hungary | Mexico | Colombia | Azerbaijan | Indonesia | Morocco | Pakistan | Turkey $10.00 $5.00 $3.00
AL | INTIER 6 Albania | Egypt | India $8.00 $4.00 $2.00
Others country $6.00 $3.00 $2.00

  • What is make money?
    You earn money when your visitors watch the videos you share.

  • How many times is counted for 1 visitor?
    Streams are counted up to 3 within 24 hours per visitor.

  • When will the successful count be?
    The visitor must watch your video for at least 3 minutes.

  • Do you count for Adblock and similar visitors?
    You can see the Adblock count in your reports, but there will be no profit for these visitors.

  • Do you count for download?
    We only give you earnings for video views.

  • What is the minimum money request amount?
    The minimum money request is $11.

  • When is the payment made?
    Payout requests are processed within 48 hours.

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