• What is VidMoly ? 
    VidMoly, which was founded in 2016, is a cloud video hosting service; it keeps your videos encrypted in video cloud servers, and allows you to access and share your videos with anyone you want.

  • How much disk space is available for paid members?
    There are levels of disk space plans; you can purchase as much disk space on a monthly basis as you need.

  • How much disk space is available for free members?
    With the free account, you can use cloud disk space up to 5000 GB of.

  • How long will videos be stored for paid members?
    The videos paid members store will not expire, and access will always be available unless there is prohibited video content on our cloud servers.

  • How long will videos be stored for free members? 
    On free accounts; if the video is not clicked within 32 days, the video will be deleted from your cloud space.

  • Where can I access my videos? 
    You can access your videos from your computer, smart phone and Smart TV.

  • Where are the videos stored?
    Your videos are stored in our servers in successfully operating datacenters we have been working for a long time.

  • Are ads displayed on my videos?
    Ads on a video will only appear to the people you're sharing the video with; if the person you're sharing with is registered in VidMoly, no ads will be displayed.
    In short: One will never see ads if s/he is registered in VidMoly.

  • What are the forbidden video content? 
    Uploading copyrighted videos is prohibited
    Uploading videos containing child pornography is prohibited
    Uploading of videos belonging to another person is prohibited
    Uploading of videos that are illegal and violate any law is prohibited
    Uploading of videos that will cause incitement and provocation of people is prohibited

  • Are there any earnings for videos? 
    With our high CPM, you can earn from your videos.
    If your visitors have ip addresses like VPN - Datacenter - Proxy - Adblock, we do not pay you for these visitors.
    if there are invalid views , the number of views will appear in the adblock column.
    Your payments will be completed within a maximum of 72 hours.

  • What happens if video content rules are disobeyed?
    Any paid or free users must comply with the specified rules; uploading unauthorized content and sharing results in the deletion of the video; the paid or free account will be will be permanently closed if this violations are repeated.

    Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about the service.
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Fast and Secure Video Storage Center
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